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Parent Teacher Association

PTA is a school-based organization with a mission to make the school a better place for children to learn. Parents of students work together with teachers to volunteer in classes, raise money for school activities, and generally support the school's efforts.

IPS PTA Mission

We strive to empower and enrich children’s lives within the IPS school community by creating opportunities that promote collaboration and engagement of families.

Role of the PTA members

  1. Attend monthly PTA meetings (once a month)
  2. Share ideas and feedback with committee members.
  3. Volunteer for events in whatever capacity they can.

** Attendance of any meetings or events is NOT mandatory for members.


  1. IPS will provide 3000 sr annually to support the PTA list of activities.
  2. Dues: All members will contribute 300 SR annually to become part of the PTA.
  3. All other needed funds will be acquired through various PTS fundraising.

PTA is not meant to be…

A place in which parents voice their concerns about school policies or procedures.

All concerns and worries must be sent through the proper channels with the IPS administrative team, and not during any IPS PTA meeting times.

PTA Elections

The PTA members are in charge of electing and voting for all PTA committee positions; this will be done annually.

IPS PTA Committee

IPS PTA Committee for the academic year 2019-2020 and 2020-2021

  1. President: Shahla AlShehail
  2. Vice President: Ghadeer AlYamani
  3. Secretary: Monira AlOthman
  4. Treasurer: Fatima Meddah
  5. Publicity Officer: Mazuza AlHasan
  6. School Liaison: Hadeel Anan