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After School Clubs

Vision and Mission

Vision Statement 

A program that inspires our learners to lead a healthy active lifestyle, guide creative activities, grow, and reach their full potential by offering a diversity of fun and vital learning opportunities in a safe environment. 

Mission Statement 

Inspire children to thrive.

Administration of Programs

Hours of Operation

  • Clubs will run from 2:55 PM to 3:50 PM
  • Mondays are assigned for the Primary clubs.
  • Wednesdays are assigned for the Secondary clubs.

Program Information 

  •  The program offers three sessions during the Academic year. 
  • The dates and length of each session will be determined at the beginning of each year based on the Academic Calendar.
  • Clubs are cancelled during holidays.
  • Secondary clubs are cancelled during the exam period. 

The Program: 

  • Provides a variety of sports activities, mental and physical health -experiences, performing arts, academic support, and STEAM projects. 
  • Provides a safe environment for learners to thrive. 
  • Is student-centered and is run by staff members.
  • The ratio is 10 students to 1 teacher. 
  • Some clubs require a participation fee, assigned by the club facilitator. 

Attendance and Dismissal Policy

  • Pick Up: Students must be picked up on time at 3:50 pm. There is NO supervision provided beyond activity time.
  • School Hours: Please arrange transportation for your child before their scheduled club, as the office closes at 4:00 pm.
  • Club Removal: If a student has 2 late pick-ups, after 4:00 pm, they will be removed from the club. 
  • Siblings: We do not provide sibling supervision when a brother or sister is involved in clubs/athletics. Siblings who do not attend a club must leave at the regular dismissal time.
  • Students are not permitted to attend clubs if they missed that school day for absence.

Important Notes: 

  • Students will be allowed to change clubs ONLY during the Drop/Add period, which is the first week of each session. 
  • Clubs will NOT be counted as an extracurricular activity in the report card if a student misses more than two periods per session.  

Enrolment Procedures. 

  • Parents will be required to sign up their child through the After-School Club website links. 
  • After registration, a confirmation email will be sent to parents before the start of the clubs to confirm their child's place in the 
  • Exceptions to the signup deadline will be made only for emergency or medical excuses.  
  • By enrolling the child, parents would have given their consent.

Payment Policy 

  • Some clubs require a participation fee, assigned by the club facilitator. 
  • The club instructor will collect payment during the first session.
  • Funds will be allocated to the instructors for purchasing supplies.
  • If fees are not settled on time, the student will be removed from the club.

Discipline Policy

  • Students attending clubs are expected to follow the school's discipline policy. 
  • Students may be removed from the program due to poor academic performance or behaviour issues at school. 

Medical Emergencies

  • Nurses are present on campus in case of any medical emergencies. 
  • Normal Medical policy will be followed during club time. 

Fire and Crisis Drills

  • School protocol will be followed. 


SESSION 1WC: September 29th - WC: November 24th
SESSION 2WC: January 12th - WC: March 2nd 
SESSION 3WC: April 6th - WC: May 25th